Plantler Forager Plus
- Inventory on the way
A cool season mix of high quality clover, forage brassica and chicory. Forager Plus is designed to be planted with up to 50lbs of your preferred, cool season, cereal grain (wheat, oats or triticale) to plant 1 acre. Food plots with only cereal grains lack the important nutritional value and attraction, which Forager Plus offers. The clover, brassica and chicory plants are cold tolerant, top performers in northern & southern US states. The hardy clover and chicory in this mix are highly attractive to whitetails in the fall and the palatable foliage produces high protein forage well into the early summer months. Deer will forage on the radish leaves as soon as they emerge and the turnip leaves after hard freeze for a full season of high attraction. All of the brassica plants are large bulb producers. The high protein bulbs emerge in the late winter when deer will consume them.
HIGH ATTRACTION & NUTRITION: Superior clover, large bulb brassicas & leafy chicory mix
TOP PERFORMING COLD TOLERANCE: Plant food that will be available when deer need it the most–in the fall/winter
PALATABLE FORAGE: Produces high protein forage
FULL SEASON FOOD: Deer will forage on the radish leaves as they emerge & switch to the turnip leaves after a hard freeze giving you a quality food source all season. Clover & chicory can last deep into the summer with proper maintenance
- PRO-TIP: Plant with 4S Harvest Advantage to provide an array of quality food sources in one location
HIGH ATTRACTION & NUTRITION: Superior clover, large bulb brassicas & leafy chicory mix
TOP PERFORMING COLD TOLERANCE: Plant food that will be available when deer need it the most–in the fall/winter
PALATABLE FORAGE: Produces high protein forage
FULL SEASON FOOD: Deer will forage on the radish leaves as they emerge & switch to the turnip leaves after a hard freeze giving you a quality food source all season. Clover & chicory can last deep into the summer with proper maintenance
PRO-TIP: Plant with 4S Harvest Advantage to provide an array of quality food sources in one location

Seed Components: Yuchi arrowleaf clover, Regalgraze white clover, Barduro red clover, Commander chicory, Barkant turnip, T-raptor hybrid forage rape and Daikon radish. Because Daikon radish does not need to frost activate before deer will readily forage on the plants there is more radish in the southern mix than other brassicas.
Planting Dates (SOUTHERN): Plant the southern mix in early September to early October. For the deep south plant later September to early October. Precise planting dates depend on time of cooling autumn temperatures in your region, not early and temporary cold snaps. Time planting days just before or after rain event if possible.
Seed Components: Yellow blossom clover, Alice white clover, Freedom medium red clover, Forage Feast chicory, Barkant turnip, T-raptor hybrid forage rape and Daikon radish. There is a larger percentage of turnip and hybrid rape than radish in the northern mix because these plants are highly attractive to deer after the first freeze which comes early in the hunting season for northern regions.
Planting Dates (NORTHERN): Plant the northern mix early August to early September. Precise planting dates depend on time of cooling autumn temperatures in your region, not early and temporary cold snaps. Time planting days just before or after rain event if possible.
Planting Rates and Coverage: 1 bag plants 1 acre alone or when mixed with 40 to 50 pounds of cereal grain. The rates are relatively the same for broadcasting and covering or planting with seeder or drill; however, you may plant slightly more when broadcast seeding.
Planting Depth: Plant at 1/4” depth. Appropriate soil planting depth is directly related to plant emergence and stand establishment. Sparse crops and poor emergence are often a result of planting seed too deep.
Seed Size: These are all small seeds. When using a seeder or grain drill that has a small seed or legume box attachment plant this mix through that box.
Bag Weight: 7 pounds (1 acre)
Management: The perennials in Forager Plus are not intended to establish into a full, multi-year stand but to provide spring and early summer nutrition when the annuals will be maturing and losing forage quality. Mowing the maturing annual plants and emerging weeds spring or early summer will promote new tender growth from all crop plants increasing forage value. Mowing will also promote the annual and perennial clover and chicory which can persist well into the summer. If weeds take over in the summer, spray and burn down the field with glyphosate and leave fallow but weed free until planting again in autumn. This will bank moisture from rainfall in the soil leading up to re-planting.
Plantler Forager Plus is a mix of annual clover, large bulb producing annual brassicas and a light rate of perennial clover and chicory. It comes in a 7 pound bag and is designed to plant 1 acre alone or when added with up to 1 bag (50 pounds) of Harvest Advantage cereal grains. Cereal grains are grasses and take up very little space in crop canopy. All plants in Forager Plus are broadleaf forbs or legumes and do take up a good deal of space in the canopy; however, they still leave enough room for the 50 pounds of cereal grain grasses added with Harvest Advantage. The ultimate whitetail attraction and nutrition is obtained when the two are mixed together. One of the many advantages with the Plantler system is simplicity. Plant 1 bag of Forager Plus with 1 bag of Harvest Advantage per acre. The long-lasting annual clover and light rate of perennial clover and chicory can carry high protein nutrition well into the summer with some mowing as needed. You plant only once each year and can get 10 or more months of high-quality nutrition.

Advanced Wildlife Solutions (AWS) and Creative Land And Wildlife Solutions (CLAWS), in partnership are excited to bring you Plantler food plot seed products. “Hello, my name is Rans Thomas. I am a wildlife biologist and private consultant. After a career spanning more than 25 years managing whitetails on hundreds of private properties across the US, I long ago came to a simple but proven conclusion. No single strategy for High-quality, whitetail deer management can play a bigger role in improving herd health and antler size than superior nutrition. While a supplemental feeding program with 4S Feed plays a vital role, I also believe excellent sources of needed nutrition and attraction for hunting are the food plot plants found in Plantler sold here at Advanced Wildlife Solutions. Optimum results will be seen with 4S Feed and Plantler food plots working together! This is why I partnered with Bruce Swearingen, owner of 4S Advanced Wildlife Solutions, one of the south’s leading experts in supplemental feed products for whitetails. Together we founded Plantler food plot seed.
Throughout my career I have worked behind the scenes with different, nationally recognized food plot seed brands. After realizing the outright scams in some cases going on in the wildlife seed industry, I began to form my own vision for developing a seed brand and line of products that are highly effective, easy to use and affordable. Plantler seed blends are based on real results from custom seed blends I have formulated for my clients for many years. When Bruce and I started working to develop Plantler products, we first leveraged our partnership’s vast, industry insider connections to procure the highest quality seed from the top, primary providers and growers in the US. We selected plants for our wildlife mixes based on the latest scientific research in whitetail nutrition, decades of real-world professional experience and documented results from across the country. Plantler seed mix ratios and bag sizes are designed to fulfill the needs of almost any hunter-manager. Based on extensive market research we adjusted retail pricing of Plantler products below industry standards for similar or even inferior products. Southern mix plant varieties are more drought and heat tolerant while northern mix plants are cold, freeze and snow tolerant. Please read on to learn more about Plantler products, for planting guidelines and management tips. Good luck this season and give back more than you take with 4S feed and Plantler seed.
3 Lashley St. Reynolds, GA 31076 |
M-F: 9:00am-5:00pm
SAT: 9:00am-1:00pm