About Plantler Forage Brassica


Plantler Forage Brassica (Southern and Northern)

Seed Components: Barkant turnip, T-raptor hybrid forage rape and Daikon radish. 

Bag Weight: 8 pounds

Planting Dates: Plant the southern mix in early September to early October. For the deep south plant later September to early October. Plant the northern mix early August to early September. Precise planting dates depend on time of cooling autumn temperatures, not early and temporary cold snaps. Time autumn planting days just before or after rain event if possible.  

Planting Rates and Coverage: 1 bag plants 1.5 acres alone or when mixed with ½ bag of Forager Plus and 25 pounds of cereal grain (Refer to Management below). The rates are relatively the same for broadcasting and covering or planting with seeder or drill; however, you may plant slightly more when broadcast seeding. 

Planting Depth: Plant at 1/4” depth. Appropriate soil planting depth is directly related to plant emergence and stand establishment. Sparse crops and/or poor emergence are often a result of planting seed too deep. 

Seed Size: These are all small seeds. When using a seeder or grain drill that has a small seed or legume box attachment plant this mix through that box. If planting with ½ bag of Forager Plus plant both through small seed box.

Management: Plantler Forage Brassica alone only offers this one plant type as forage and for attraction. It is recommended to plant Forage Brassica with cool season annuals which will increase diversity of plants and high protein forage in the spring and early summer. We recommend planting this combination of products for a heavy brassica crop with more diversity in plant types.

  • 25 pounds of Harvest Advantage
  • ½ bag or 3.5 pounds of Plantler Forager Plus
  • 1 bag or 8 pounds of Plantler Forage Brassica


Plantler Forage Brassica is a mix of cool season annual, large bulb, forage radish, turnip and hybrid rape. Whitetails will forage on the daikon radish leaves as soon as they emerge unlike other brassica plants, which usually require a hard freeze before they become attractive. In southern states a hard freeze may not occur until later in the hunting season; therefore, there is a higher percentage of radish in the southern mix. In northern states or southern states like AL with a late rut Barkant turnip and T-raptor hybrid forage rape leaves become highly attractive after the first freeze, which occurs early in the northern state hunting seasons or late during peak of rut in southern states with a late rut. For this reason, there is a higher percentage of turnip and hybrid rape in the northern mix. In southern states with late rut user should choose the northern mix. All of the brassica plants are large bulb producers. The high protein bulbs emerge in the late winter to early spring when deer will consume them. This food source aids in post rut, post winter reconditioning. The large bulbs then decompose adding organic matter and nutrients back into the soil.