4S DRAW was named after its ability to draw deer in from a distance. It has an intense aroma that deer cannot resist.

Powered by peanuts offering 2x the protein and fat of corn, promoting a healthy herd
Use 4S DRAW FoR:
Trail cameras are one of the most beneficial modern tools in the hunters hand-book. Use DRAW in front of your cameras to stop deer in their tracks for the perfect picture.

Food Plots & Feed Sites
Setting up a new feed site or food plot on your property? Encourage a comfortable feed with the help of 4S Draw. Mix with pellets, corn or grain of choice & jump-start the new site.

DRAW's intense aroma has the ability to brings deer in within hours of putting it out. Pile it up 25 yards from your stand & setup the perfect shot! (Where legal, of course) Check local state guidelines.
People are asking...
Answers vary based on deer density. Typically you should see deer traffic within 1-5 hours after pouring out.
Plenty of ways to do this. We like to use it to our advantage and put multiple smaller piles in open shooting lanes surrounding our setup. This helps cover scent as well as. Check out this video where we explain different ways to use 4S DRAW with your setups.