Plantler Everlast 8#
- Inventory on the way
1 BAG PLANTS 1 ACRE (8lbs)
A multi-year mix of heat tolerant, white and red clover with a top-performing chicory for the south. The red clover is a big leafed, fast establishing, drought tolerant clover perfect for southern climates. The white clover is tall growing, large leafed, highly palatable and designed to stand up to heavy browse pressure. The large leafed chicory is drought tolerant, browse tolerant and acidic soil tolerant, capable of reaching high protein levels of over 30% in the spring and summer. Chicory is known to improve digestion in small, ruminant animals such as whitetails and may even reduce parasitic worms. Everlast can persist for multiple years with management, which may require mowing, proper use of selective herbicides, annual re-fertilization and maintaining a neutral soil PH.
MULTI-YEAR MIX: Tall, leafy white & red clover with a top-performing chicory for the south which can persist for multiple years with proper management
HEAT & DROUGHT TOLERANCE: Performs well with high heat & drought conditions
PALATABLE FORAGE: Produces quality forage that will keep them coming back
- BROWSE TOLERANCE: Large leafed chicory is browse and acidic soil tolerant, capable of reaching levels of over 30% protein in the Spring & Summer
MULTI-YEAR MIX: Tall, leafy white & red clover with a top-performing chicory for the south which can persist for multiple years with proper management
HEAT & DROUGHT TOLERANCE: Performs well with high heat & drought conditions
PALATABLE FORAGE: Produces quality forage that will keep them coming back
BROWSE TOLERANCE: Large leafed chicory is browse and acidic soil tolerant, capable of reaching levels of over 30% protein in the Spring & Summer

Seed Components: Regalgraze white clover, Barduro red clover and Commander chicory.
Planting Dates (SOUTHERN): Plant the southern mix in early September to early October. For the deep south plant later September to early October. Spring perennial planting in the south is not recommended. Precise planting dates depend on time of cooling autumn temperatures, not early and temporary cold snaps or late winter to early spring freeze and thawing in your region. Time autumn planting days just before or after rain event if possible.
Seed Components: Alice white clover, Freedom medium red clover and Forage Feast chicory.
Planting Dates (NORTHERN): Plant the northern mix early August to early September or Frost Seed in February or March. Precise planting dates depend on time of cooling autumn temperatures, not early and temporary cold snaps or late winter to early spring freeze and thawing in your region. Time autumn planting days just before or after rain event if possible.
Bag Weight: 8 pounds
Planting Rates and Coverage: 1 bag plants 1 acre alone or when mixed with ½ bag of Forager Plus and 25 pounds of cereal grain (Refer to Management below). The rates are relatively the same for broadcasting and lightly covering or planting with seeder or drill; however, you may plant slightly more when broadcast seeding.
Planting Depth: Plant at 1/4” depth. Appropriate soil planting depth is directly related to plant emergence and stand establishment. Sparse crops and/or poor emergence are often a result of planting seed too deep.
Seed Size: These are all small seeds. When using a seeder or grain drill that has a small seed or legume box attachment plant this mix through that box. If planting with ½ bag of Forager Plus plant both through small seed box.
Management: Plantler Everlast perennials are relatively slow emerging when planted. It is recommended to plant Everlast with cool season annuals which will emerge quickly and provide attraction the first fall and winter while screening the slow emerging perennials. We recommend planting this combination of products per acre when establishing Everlast.
- 25 pounds of Harvest Advantage
- ½ bag or 3.5 pounds of Plantler Forager Plus
- 1 bag or 8 pounds of Everlast
Soil quality should be optimized before planting with a 6.5 to 7 PH along with high P and K levels. Everlast perennials can persist for multiple years with proper maintenance following these guidelines.
Plantler Everlast Perennial Maintenance
Once established, perennial clover and chicory must be maintained to insure multi-year longevity. This involves an annual process of mowing, use of herbicides, and fertilizing in the spring and autumn months. In the first spring after a fall planting in southern states or in early summer after a spring planting or frost seeding in northern states the following steps should be carried out as needed. In regard to herbicide and fertilizer recommendations provided, Advanced Wildlife Solutions and Creative Land And Wildlife Solutions are not responsible for crop damage, poor results, surrounding crop or habitat damage, run off issues, water contamination or harm to users. The recommended rates provided below are based on results from field testing and management. READ PRODUCT LABELS and follow those recommended rates as well as safety precautions.
- Monitor for growth of crop plants and/or weeds to exceed 12” in height. Deer browse may not allow crop plants to reach this height while weeds grow taller.
- Once stand height exceeds 12” mow to a height now lower than 6”.
- Monitor for invasive grasses and broadleaf weeds.
- Spray crop as needed for problem grasses with a post emergent, grass selective herbicide with active ingredient Clethodim such as Clethodim 2E.
- To control both grasses and broadleaf weeds without harming clover or chicory purchase Imox Herbicide (Same active ingredient as Raptor at lower price) and apply in May for the south or later in the north at 4oz. per acre with 1oz. per acre of Nitro-Surf which is a liquid Nitrogen ammonium sulfate product plus surfactant. Imox and Nitro-Surf can be ordered from Keystone Pest Solutions along with many other food plot herbicides and products also available through Keystone at reasonable online pricing. Utilize the KPS web site for easy to follow application specs and product labels.
- Following soil sample results fertilize established stands in the spring and fall with a low Nitrogen, higher Phosphorous, Potassium and needed micronutrients granular or liquid soluble fertilizer blend. Time application of granular fertilizer just before rain event and do not apply until stand is dry from morning dew or rain. For a pure stand of chicory with no legumes fertilize with a high N blend.
More Questions on planting? Contact Rans
Plantler Everlast is a multi-year mix of heat or cold tolerant (southern or northern), long lasting white and red clover with top-performing chicory. For the southern mix the red clover is big leafed, fast establishing, drought and acidic soil tolerant perfect for southern climates. The white clover is tall growing, large leafed, highly palatable and designed to stand up to heavy browse pressure. The chicory is large leafed, drought, browse and acidic soil tolerant. While some of these plants can tolerate acidic soils, we still recommend optimizing soil quality. For the northern mix the red clover is long lasting, low pubescence, drought and cold tolerant, highly palatable and nutritious. The white clover is tall growing, large leaf, winter hardy and very palatable with high protein levels. The chicory in this mix is drought, browse and acidic soil tolerant. Chicory is capable of reaching high protein levels of over 30% in the spring and summer. The nitrogen fixing clover will feed the chicory making them excellent companion plants. Chicory contains condensed tannins, which can improve rumen digestion in whitetails and may reduce parasitic worms. Perennials tend to enter periods of dormancy mid-summer and mid-winter. This allows them to get through the hot dry summers and cold winters even with snow. This crop can persist for multiple years with proper maintenance.

Advanced Wildlife Solutions (AWS) and Creative Land And Wildlife Solutions (CLAWS), in partnership are excited to bring you Plantler food plot seed products. “Hello, my name is Rans Thomas. I am a wildlife biologist and private consultant. After a career spanning more than 25 years managing whitetails on hundreds of private properties across the US, I long ago came to a simple but proven conclusion. No single strategy for High-quality, whitetail deer management can play a bigger role in improving herd health and antler size than superior nutrition. While a supplemental feeding program with 4S Feed plays a vital role, I also believe excellent sources of needed nutrition and attraction for hunting are the food plot plants found in Plantler sold here at Advanced Wildlife Solutions. Optimum results will be seen with 4S Feed and Plantler food plots working together! This is why I partnered with Bruce Swearingen, owner of 4S Advanced Wildlife Solutions, one of the south’s leading experts in supplemental feed products for whitetails. Together we founded Plantler food plot seed.
Throughout my career I have worked behind the scenes with different, nationally recognized food plot seed brands. After realizing the outright scams in some cases going on in the wildlife seed industry, I began to form my own vision for developing a seed brand and line of products that are highly effective, easy to use and affordable. Plantler seed blends are based on real results from custom seed blends I have formulated for my clients for many years. When Bruce and I started working to develop Plantler products, we first leveraged our partnership’s vast, industry insider connections to procure the highest quality seed from the top, primary providers and growers in the US. We selected plants for our wildlife mixes based on the latest scientific research in whitetail nutrition, decades of real-world professional experience and documented results from across the country. Plantler seed mix ratios and bag sizes are designed to fulfill the needs of almost any hunter-manager. Based on extensive market research we adjusted retail pricing of Plantler products below industry standards for similar or even inferior products. Southern mix plant varieties are more drought and heat tolerant while northern mix plants are cold, freeze and snow tolerant. Please read on to learn more about Plantler products, for planting guidelines and management tips. Good luck this season and give back more than you take with 4S feed and Plantler seed.
3 Lashley St. Reynolds, GA 31076 |
M-F: 9:00am-5:00pm
SAT: 9:00am-1:00pm